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analysing a photograph

Analysing a photograph takes some times because all its dimensions must be investigated.

Here is a list of questions for properly analyzing a photograph among a series or not, resulting from a simplified summary of analytical methods found on the Web. The 4 first sections must stay as much as possible objective i.e. no judgement but indisputable facts. The fifth one is more subjective.

1) contextual analysis

- what was the intention of the photographer? what is the subject?

- how did the photographer work?

- what are the circumstances?

- what posture?

- what equipment used?

- if the photograph is part of a series,

- is the series coherent? are there any repetitions? any gaps ?

- what is the nature of the look at the subject?

- are there any cultural, historical or symbolic references?

- what is the place of the photograph in the series?

2) descriptive analysis

- does the subject appear clearly?

- what is the distance to the subject?

- what is the nature of the photograph? realistic, artistic, conceptual, documentary,...?

- how is it composed?

- are there several plans? are there links between plans?

- is there an impact effect?

- how is the photo framed? how is the subject situated?

- are there any lines of force?

- Are there flat areas, negative spaces?

- Are there any contrast effects? blur / sharpness? dark / light?...

- have special effects been used? have textures been applied?

- how is the light distributed? is it hard or soft? specular or diffuse?

- do shadows play a role? reflections? transparencies?

- how are the different elements organized in relation to each other? what is the nature of the relationships between the elements?

3) narrative analysis

- what does the photo tell?

- is there a particular writing research?

- is a symbol used?

- what effect does it produce or want to produce?

- is the photo sufficient in itself or is it intimately linked to a series?

- what is it that makes us linger?

4) comparative analysis

- Are there other ways of treating the subject ?

- is the photograph part of a particular school ?

- is there a bias taken by the photographer?

- is there an innovative dimension? a desire to break with the past?

5) subjective analysis

- has the photographer achieved his objective?

- are there any anomalies ?

- what improvements can be made?

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